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​ かねてより、美術作品以外の造形(建造物・乗り物・楽器・玩具・道具・工具・機械・服飾・和菓子など)に興味を持ち続けてきた私は、「歴史上大切にされてきたモノ=残ってきたモノ」が作られた時代背景やプロセスにも興味を持ってきました。







                                     鯱丸 邦生

スキャン 1_edited.png

​(1)参考文献 「 『パンセ』で極める人間学」 鹿島 茂  出版社:NHK出版









1970年 神奈川県 川崎市生まれ 


1994年 多摩美術大学立体デザイン科クラフト専修卒

​1996年 東京芸術大学大学院 美術研究科 美術教育 修了

1999年 東京芸術大学大学院 博士後期課程満期退学

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Metal smith artist  sculpture・architecture ・design

Interested in manga,animation, art and architecture since childhood, I set up my mind to become an architect while attending high school but I fascination with art and design led me to change course and consider fine art instead. 

I realized the importance of "Syukou"(2) in the production process through the influence of a shipbuilder I met during my graduation project.

Since then, I have continued to work with an emphasis on the importance of manual thinking in the production process.

1970 Born in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture



1994 Graduated from Tama Art University, Department of 3D Design Crafts. 

1996 Completed postgraduate studies in art education at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music

1999 Completed Ph.D program without a Ph.D. degree, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music


​(2)“Syukou" means “hand-affirmation”it’s to be convinced, to agree, to agree by the touch of the hand. 

A term coined by Kunio Shachimaru.


Even the same meaning can change depending on the form in which it is expressed. The meaning does not give dignity to the form, but on the contrary, the meaning receives dignity from the form. We must look for such examples.


The above statement is a paraphrase of a portion of Pascal's Pensee (ref. 50) as "form".

I have long been interested in forms other than works of art (buildings, vehicles, musical instruments, toys,  tools, machines, clothing, Japanese sweets, etc.), and I have also been interested in the historical backgrounds and processes in which "objects that have been cherished throughout history" were created.

Why do they have such dignity and endure to be appreciated through the ages?

This is, of course, a common phenomenon in literature, music, butoh, theater, and film.

As a metalworker, I have worked in the fields of sculpture, architecture, and design,

and my main focus in my work is to create objects that transcend genres, that can be

appreciated and remain in some form or another.


I know it will be very difficult to achieve this, but I would like to move forward with my ideals.




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